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Covid-19 Resources

Below is a list of different resources, from emotional support to information about your legal options. If you click on the hyperlinks (the blue, underlined text) they will take you to other websites that have a variety of written and visual information.

If you’ve recently seen something that you think would be useful to share with others, please do email us on info@rasasc.org.uk.

Helplines & Emotional Support

The National Rape Crisis Helpline is open every single day from 12 – 2.30pm and 7-9.30pm on 0808 802 9999. The helpline is open to all female survivors of sexual violence.

Rape Crisis England and Wales’ Live Chat Service is open to women and girls aged 16 and over at the following times:

  • Monday: 2pm-4.30pm & 6pm-9pm
  • Tuesday: 2-4.30pm & 6pm-9pm
  • Wednesday: 12pm-2.30pm & 6pm-9pm
  • Thursday: 12pm-2.30pm & 6pm-8.30pm
  • Friday: 9am-11.30am

Survivors UK also run a confidential live chat service for male survivors of sexual violence. It is open Monday – Sunday from 12pm to 8pm.

For legal advice, Rights of Women run a range of advice lines on family law, criminal law, immigration and asylum law and sexual harassment at work. Follow the hyperlinks for opening hours and the relevant phone numbers.

Domestic Abuse

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run by Refuge, is open 24/7 on 0808 2000 247. You can also contact the helpline online here, if you’re not able to speak on the phone. There are lots of resources available on their website, around legal options, housing, children and support with money.

Women’s Aid have written safety advice for survivors during Covid-19. There is lots of information in here, from different places to get help and support to details on pet fostering services.

Galop’s National LGBTQ+ Domestic Abuse Helpline is open from Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm, apart from Wednesdays when it is open until 8pm. The number is 0800 999 5428.

Rights of Women have published various guides for survivors of domestic abuse, including information on obtaining injunctions, guides to supporting young people and legal options for survivors able to consider leaving an abusive relationship.

Young People

There’s loads of different information and resources on the Anna Freud Centre’s website. There’s useful videos and things to read on letting off steam, drawing and painting, revision, medication, ASMR, challenging feelings and spending time with supportive people.

My Rights, My Self, My Choice, My Hopes: A guide for young women who have experienced sexual violence is a 10-page guide written by nia.

Nina Burrowes’ free book, The Courage to Be Me is an illustrated story of courage, self-compassion and hope after sexual abuse.

Legal Resources

Rights of Women have a range of resources on their website, including a detailed guide to child contact arrangements during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Right to Remain Toolkit is a comprehensive guide to the UK’s immigration and asylum system. There is an update on changes to the asylum and immigration process due to Covid-19, published by Right to Remain, here.

Financial Support & Benefits

Turn2Us have published some information on benefits and Coronavirus here. They have also launched a Coronavirus Grant Fund, a one-off £500 payment for households who have lost their income. Applications are currently closed but will reopen again soon. Do keep an eye on their social media for more information if you can.

You can check what benefits you may be able to claim, or what changes there may be to your current benefits, during Covid-19 at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau’s website.

If you are a sex worker, you can contact SWARM to apply to their hardship fund. Their email address is contact@swarmcollective.org.

Support Documents

Click here to view our support documents. Each document is available as a PDF download.

Safe Browsing

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